Expats Need to Be Honest, Mexico Isn’t Safe (Opinion)

PUERTO VALLARTA (PVDN) - Can you name any country that is dubbed safe, despite weekly discoveries of over 100 bags filled with human remains scattered across its lands or where international criminal organizations have infiltrated local governments from city council to mayor, governor, local and state police, the military, and the presidency? The answer, astonishingly, is Mexico.

As a foreigner residing in Mexico, I am often told by fellow expats and regular visitors that the rampant violence in the country is largely exaggerated, if not completely fabricated by foreign governments and media outlets aiming to disrupt Mexico's political and economic systems. The Mexican government too, is known to regularly deny allegations of violence, blaming the propagation of 'fake news' on the United States. Even Mexico's president suggests that violence is staged by opposition political parties for election purposes.