In the Jalisco town of San Isidro Mazatepec, a train derailed and damaged four homes. This accident left one person dead and three people injured,...Read More
In this news brief: Canada resumes flights to Puerto Vallarta; U.S. sends 1.3 million doses of vaccine to Mexico; 2,000 tons of seaweed heading to...Read More
People between 40 and 49 years of age in Puerto Vallarta are snubbing the Covid 19 vaccine, despite the extension of the vaccination period. The...Read More
The tourism industry in Puerto Vallarta and the Riviera Nayarit continues to show signs of recovery, as airlines with a presence in the region continue...Read More
Puerto Vallarta continues to move forward with reactivating the tourist industry and preparing for what looks like a promising summer, thanks to updates to Jalisco's...Read More